Showing posts with label microblading techniques. Show all posts
Showing posts with label microblading techniques. Show all posts

Monday, March 4, 2019

Microblading to Get the Eyebrows You Desire

The full and shapely eyebrows are popular today. Even if a person was not born with it, there are ways to create better eyebrows that look natural. One can use eyebrow makeup as a temporary solution.

However, eyebrow makeup requires a lot of time and there is a risk of smudging in it. The issues with brow makeup have turned many people to microblading.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Explore The Real Beauty In You!

Every woman's dream is to look perfect and nowadays there are so many equipments and techniques have emerged for achieving the "perfect" look. The perfect look starts from the face and the most important and expressive parts of any human face are the eyebrows and lips. Few people have a thick eyebrow and a few have it arranged in a bushy way. How to get the perfect eyebrow? People were using threading and waxing for attaining the perfect brows and now, the technique is improved to 'microblading'.

What Is Microblading?

Microblading is not a recently developed technique to be precise. It is a technique which is a decade old and it originally originated from Japan. Technically microblading refers to permanent tattooing technique. The permanent tattoo specialists use a special microblade  to make different strokes for creating a tattoo effect. The permanent tattoo experts choose the perfect curve that suits best for your face and makes it a tattoo for your eyebrows.
Explore The Real Beauty In You!